EPA Turns Screws on Environmental Regulations
Do you enjoy reading? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just released a lengthy 1,155 page report about what it calls Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles – Phase 3.
The gist of the behemoth document is that it outlines the requirements for various vehicle builds and engine types that the EPA will require sales for in 2032. The ratios for zero-emission vehicles to internal combustion engine vehicles in 2032 is as follows for each subcategory:
- Light Heavy-Duty Vocational: 60%-40%.
- Medium Heavy-Duty Vocational: 40%-60%.
- Heavy Heavy-Duty Vocational: 30%-70%.
- Short-Haul Tractors: 40%-60%.
- Long-Haul Tractors: 25%-75%.
Additionally, the EPA lists the percentage targets for the various types of reduced-emission vehicles, ranging from natural gas to electrical hybrid to hydrogen-powered vehicles. These are only rough estimates, however, and the EPA says it is committed to applying a “technologically neutral” approach to the green energy transition, meaning regardless of whether a fleet wants to use electricity, hydrogen, or something else, the EPA says the primary focus is the transition from fossil fuels, not to what takes its place.
As to be expected, industry stakeholders were not too happy with these stringent requirements, saying that eight years is not enough time for this transition to happen on the scale of 25% to 60%.
“The trucking industry is fully committed to the road to zero emissions, but the path to get there must be paved with commonsense,”said Chris Spear of the American Trucking Associations. “While we are disappointed with today’s rule, we will continue to work with EPA to address its shortcomings and advance emission-reduction targets and timelines that are both realistic and durable.”
The transition to cleaner energy is all but inevitable, but is likely to happen at a rate much slower than the EPA is currently hoping. After all, current estimates for the cost of transitioning the entire trucking industry to electricity hovers at around $1 trillion, and that does not even consider the source of the electricity, which very well may still come from fossil fuels and would defeat the change’s purpose. If the EPA wants cleaner trucks on the road, it is going to have to get crafty with its methods in helping truckers make the switch.
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